Reverse engineering Xcode with dtrace

Both OS X and iOS tend to have a love-hate relationship with Xcode. Crashing, lacking solid refactoring tools, some UX failures, and so on. For me, it is/was [] the lack of a good autocomplete…

Visualising CGRects and NSRects from lldb with drawrect

Halfway through debugging the new enumeration engine for Shortcat [], I realised I needed a way to visualise CGRect/NSRect s while debugging. Trying to figure out how one CGRect relates to another by looking at four numbers…

Building a Command Line OS X app with RubyMotion

I decided to write a command line tool with RubyMotion [] to visualise CGRects and NSRects from lldb [], but I quickly discovered that RubyMotion does not support this out of…

Selectively ignoring Objective-C exceptions in Xcode

Edit - Octorber 9, 2013: Updated the script to support iOS Simulator (i386) and iPhone 5S (ARM 64bit). Xcode has the ability to break on all Objective-C exceptions (Debug > Breakpoints > Create Exception Breakpoint...), which is extremely useful as you can…

Python-like Docstrings in Ruby!

About six months ago, I watched Peter Cooper's Ruby Trickshots [] and learnt that Ruby has an interesting syntax that allows you to concatenate strings by simply placing them after each other. For example: "foo" "bar" # => "foobar"…

Running individual specs with RubyMotion

I'm testing parts of Shortcat [] (which as of v0.4.0 is in Objective-C) with RubyMotion [], which is pretty nifty since I'm much more comfortable in Ruby than Objective-C and writing tests is…

Showing the Crash Dialog for Backgrounded Cocoa Apps

While developing Shortcat [], I ran into an extremely annoying problem with LSUIElement apps: They crash silently, giving the user no indication that it has crashed. This is especially bad when you don't have any visual indicator that…