I built an app that geotags photos on Sony cameras better than Sony's own apps.
SwiftUI @State/@Binding objects not updating in Release configuration
TL;DR: Reflection Metadata Level set to "Off" (potentially a default from older Xcode projects) can cause @State/@Binding to have issues around getting the variable to update. After banging my head against the wall for a couple of hours, I managed to luck out on an issue that seemed…
Adding buffer monitoring to Marlin

This is a sequel of my post about diagnosing 3D print quality when printing with Octoprint. [https://chen.do/diagnosing-reduced-print-quality-with-octoprint/] Now that we have a working theory for the reduced print quality, the next step was to know for sure when the problem was occurring. If I could have the…
Fixing Selenium 4.x timeout errors when using multiple sessions
PMSA003I reporting 0 for all values fix
I have a couple of air quality sensors I've made by cobbling various Adafruit boards together (Magtag, Funhouse, ESP32-C3) that report to my Home Assistant instance for monitoring. One of these stopped working, where the PMSA003I appeared to be working…
Docker in Docker (DIND) MTU fix for docker-compose
If you're running into weird connection stalling issues when inside a Docker-in-Docker environment, it's rather likely MTU is the culprit. For example, when basic network connectivity works (ping works, curl example.com works) but curl to a https endpoint stalls…
Controlling LG MusicFlow Soundbars in Home Assistant
Automating LG MusicFlow Soundbars in Home Assistant using mufloctl, tcpdump, and netcat.
Fixing Service Topology with nginx-ingress
Trying to use Service Topology but nginx-ingress isn't respecting your topology? Turns out it's just an annotation missing on Ingress.
Fixing the bugged elevator for Nocturne OP55N1 in Cyberpunk 2077

Can't get into the elevator to see Hanako for Nocturne OP55N1 in Cyberpunk 2077? This is how I fixed it for a friend.
Mitigating Octoprint print quality issues with BufferBuddy

This is a continuation of my deep-dive into understanding print quality issues when printing over USB with Octoprint [https://chen.do/diagnosing-reduced-print-quality-with-octoprint/], and adding buffer monitoring to Marlin [https://chen.do/adding-buffer-monitoring-to-marlin/]. Now that I had an objective mechanism to…
Diagnosing reduced 3D print quality when printing with Octoprint
Update: See my post on Adding buffer monitoring to Marlin [https://chen.do/adding-buffer-monitoring-to-marlin/]. I recently picked up a Creality Ender 3 v2 [https://www.creality3dofficial.com/products/ender-3-v2-3d-printer] to finally check out 3D printing. Initially, I was very impressed…
Valve Index Base Station power management
I managed to get a Valve Index a few weeks ago (which has been great), but the reliability of SteamVR could be a lot better. Especially with the base station power management feature, where it only puts the lasers on…
TLS v1.3 performance compared to TLS v1.2
I was doing some certificate maintenance on our cluster and decided it had been a while since I ran an SSL Test [https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/], so I ran it against our edge cluster and it gave us a…